ChatGPT's CEO calls for AI regulation

Plus, get ahead of the game and boost your business with our AI tip of the day!

Today’s Top Picks:

Stay informed with our daily dose of AI news and industry insights to help you make informed business decisions.

  • AI regulation is on the horizon, bringing a new challenges. AI Industry Leaders Encourage 'Critical' Congressional Regulation of Emerging Tech.

    • TL;DR - It's an important step in AI's development. While AI revolutionizes industries, it also poses unique challenges. Regulation ensures responsible innovation, prioritizing safety and fairness. It's like setting guardrails in your business to avoid negative situations. At The AI Filter, we're here to help protect your business. Stay tuned for our upcoming AI audit checklist!

  • When we say AI is changing life as we know it, we're not exaggerating. We have a great opportunity to address universal problems. Hippocratic AI raises $50 million seed funding to build models for healthcare.

    • TL;DR - As small business owners, we understand the magnitude of this, as it aligns with our daily goal of solving people's problems. The exciting part about AI is that it enables us to accomplish things that were previously impossible. So, what's the problem your business has been wanting to solve but couldn't? Start thinking about tackling larger issues because AI can assist you in offering bigger and better solutions.

  • PwC turns to AI for audit transformation.

    • TL;DR - As we always say, challenges are business opportunities. The next significant opportunity is AI Audit. And guess what? AI can help with that! Use AI to standardize, simplify, centralize, and automate your audit work. Or, offer a consulting service and leverage predictive analytics capabilities to enhance audit opinions in specific areas.

AI Tip of the day:

Leverage computer vision to automate image recognition and analysis, to prevent errors and help build trust with your customers! You can use tools like IBM Watson, OpenScale and Google Explainable AI that will help you implement it flawlessly with your workflow.

An example of how implementing these tools would help your business can be explained with a jewelry store. Imagine your store uses computer vision to analyze images automatically for quality control. By using one of these tools the system can help you identify any flaws or imperfections in the jewelry and alert you, so you can take the appropriate measures before it gets to your customer, ensuring a perfect product and the satisfaction of your customer.

This is only one example, these tools can become an important aspect of your business practice, saving you time and money, also helping you operate in a more efficient, and accurate way, that can lead to gaining your customers trust and ultimately can give you an incredible advantage over your competitors. Not to mention the fact that image recognition can also give you insights in possible trends based on images, which can help you take important business decisions.